Welcome to what will become the definitive unofficial Wemyss Ware web site. This is (so far) the only non-commercial, hence unbiased, web site focused exclusively on the topic of Wemyss Ware. Over time it aims to become the World’s #1 Wemyss Ware font of knowledge. It is a community for debate, interaction and discussion on the topic. If you like what you read – tell us and use the social media interfaces (coming soon) to engage. If you disagree or have an alternative opinion – tell us and explain the reasons why. Open debate is encouraged and differences of opinion are seen as heathly. Obviously random rants and opinions unsupported by evidence are discouraged. Anything unrelated to the topic of Wemyss Ware is spam and will be be treated as such.
We happily acknowledge that Wemyss Ware is a trademark of Griselda Hill Potteries Ltd.